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Business Partners

The Hall County Work-Based Learning and Youth Apprenticeship Program is an education option that prepares high school students for the world of work through a combination of academic and workplace learning. It is based on the belief that our youth must be better prepared for the future if they are to be successful in a competitive, global economy.


Work-Based Learning is learning that results from work experience designed to increase the knowledge and skills of the learner. The work experience is supplemented with instruction and activities that apply, reinforce, refine, or extend the learning that occurs during work, so that learners develop attitudes, knowledge, skills, and habits that might not develop solely from work experiences. Students continue to take course work related to his/her career interest, but also being paid, on the-job training or a non-paid internship through a structured workplace learning program.


See and sign up for the various ways in which you can partner with our WBL program to enrich our students' experiences. Also, visit our state WBL website for statewide information and initiatives. 

An integral part of Work-Based Learning is a supportive adult, referred to as a mentor, who is linked with the youth apprentice, intern, or employee. A mentor provides guidance and encouragement to the student employee as well as being involved in the teaching of work tasks and job responsibilities to the student.


Employers aid the student's education by assessing performance, creating relevant curriculum, and developing occupational skill standards specific to business and industry. No matter a student's plan for the future, the Hall County WBL program offers real-world experience that will benefit students.


Please see the Business Partner Handbook ( below) for additional details on what to expect when working with a WBL student.

Interested in Hiring a Student? 


The success of the Work-Based Learning Program is primarily based on the quality of the placement of the student in a business and the instruction that the student receives as part of the work-based learning segment of the program. A key individual in Work-Based Learning is the designated mentor.

Advisory Committee



18 Sept
12 Feb
7 Nov
19 Mar

Please contact Holli Howard if you are interested in getting involved.

The Hall County Schools WBL Advisory Committee meets three to four times a year to discuss industry trends, workforce needs, and other initiatives that will benefit both local businesses and our students. 

Get Involved in Our Schools


Student Job Placements: We are always looking for new businesses and organizations for our WBL students to work and intern with. Students can work 5-20 hours a week (paid or unpaid) to gain valuable real-world work experience and help your business at the same time.

Student Job Shadows: High school students will come visit you and spend 4 hrs or 8 hrs to observe your employees at work. Students get the opportunity to see what the work environment is like, ask questions about different jobs, and get a better understanding if this is a career they would like to pursue.

Field Trips/Tours: Small groups of students can come visit your business location to see first hand the job site and different working conditions. Host 15-50 students and share with them your different departments and how you serve your customers.


Guest Speaker: Come share your work experiences (or sign up a co-worker!) with students. Visit for a class period or for the day. We’ll put you in a related classroom subject so that you can help inform students about today’s industry trends and work expectations.

Mentor Students with CTSO Competition: Career Tech Student Organizations, such as DECA, HOSA, FBLA, and SkillsUSA, have competitions in which students train and compete in different events. Mentor a student to help them prepare for competition in your related area.

Participate in Job/Career Events: Many high and middle schools host events to help prepare students for getting a job. Mock interviews, career day guest speakers, or job fairs helps students explore the various career options available.


Business Donation: It is wonderful to be able to reward students for accomplishments with a coupon for a free item or other small gift. Larger donations can also be used as a fundraiser for silent auctions, raffles, or scholarships. Items can include your business information on them.

Partner in Education: Your business can also become an official Partner in Education with a specific school. Details can be found on the Hall County Schools website.

Thank you for considering these options!

Contact the WBL Coordinator closest to you to get involved. 

What Our Partners Are Saying

"WBL is a true win-win situation across the board. The experiences help students make informed career choices, the schools improve their ability to prepare students and the businesses get additional help while developing potential future employees."


                          -Alex George, Operations Director

"The enthusiasm and collaboration between businesses and Hall County Work-Based Learning is valued and a win for our community. WSI Rainmakers is 'All In' and supports WBL. From students to the community, we all learn."


                           -Al Trembley, Internet Consultant

"I had the opportunity to participate in a career readiness expo day. The students were well-prepared, very professional and highly engaged."


                          -Sheila Caldwell

                         Complete College Georgia Director

"J. Geyer Advertising has enjoyed and benefited from our partnership wtih the Hall County WBL. We feel this is such an important program that teaches important work skills to our students and future workforce. Our company enjoys the fresh ideas that our interns provide."


                                                   -Lisa Geyer, Owner

"This has been a great program to partner with. It provides us with great employees that we can mentor and also provide a safe learning environment for the students."


                          -Vaughan Smith

                         Chattahoochee Country Club

"At Kubota, we believe in contributing to society in all that we do and I can't think of a better way than to invest in the future of our young folks. I sincerely believe that our partnership in Work-Based Learning is the cornerstone of our workforce development efforts and the single most important human capital investment we can make for the future of our business."


                          -Phil Sutton

                         VP Chief Administrative Officer

The Hall County Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, handicapping condition, or sex in its educational programs or employment. 

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