Frequently Asked Questions

What is Work-Based Learning (WBL)?
WBL is an opportunity to be released from school early to go to work and start gaining some real world work experience – and get school credit! You can have a paid part-time position, an unpaid internship or both. We try to relate your work experience to your long-term career goals, but you can also get WBL credit if you just have a general part-time job. This is a great opportunity to begin building your resume while still in high school.
What are the requirements to take Work-Based Learning?
In order to apply for the Work-Based Learning program, here are the requirements that you must meet:
Must be at least 16 years old
Maintain good attendance and discipline record
Provide your own dependable transportation to/from job site/internship
What do I have to do for the class?
There are two main components of the WBL class:
GO TO WORK. For each release period, you must work 5 hours per week. For example, if you have WBL during 7th period, then you have to work 5 hours each week. Those hours do not have to literally be from 2:45-3:35 pm every day. You might only go to work one afternoon during the week and then on a Saturday. This gives you flexibility with other after school activities, like athletic games and practices. Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the program.
COMPLETE MONTHLY ASSIGNMENTS. Each month, you have to complete a few assignments that are related to a specific topic. All assignments are posted online for the entire year, so you can work ahead! Here’s an example of what your work load might look like for one month:
January Activity 1 – Teamwork & Work Habits
January Reflection Journal (what did you do at work this month)
January Timesheet (track when you worked) or paystubs (if you make money)
January Employer Evaluation (your manager/mentor gives you a one page evaluation on your performance)
Some months have more to do than others. Assignments are always due the 5th of the next month, so it’s easy to remember. You submit all assignments in online, which makes it very convenient! Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the program.
How do I get to work/my internship?
Students must provide reliable transportation daily.
How many WBL periods can I take?
Juniors may take 1-3 courses of WBL; Seniors may take 1-4 courses upon approval.
When do I take WBL?
Courses must be taken in either the morning, afternoon or a combination but not the middle of the day unless paired with dual enrollment. Ex. 1&7, 1-3, 5-7, 1,6 &7 but not 1,3,7.
How many hours do I need for full credit?
Students must work/intern an average of one hour per day for each release period to earn full credit for hours.
I have a paid job, can I use it for WBL?
Yes, if it is related to coursework. The purpose of WBL is to help students find their future career. Students can have a paid job and an internship related to his/her career goals.
Can I use my paid job to count for WBL hours even if I have an internship?
Yes, if students do not get enough hours through the internship, they can supplement with paid hours.
What if I can’t work for a few days or weeks?
If a student is temporarily out of work due to extenuating circumstances, alternative options may be provided to earn hours. Speak to your coordinator.
What if I don’t have a job or related internship?
Coordinators will help secure an unpaid placement.
Can I get paid in healthcare?
Most healthcare positions are unpaid due to lack of credentials.
How do I sign up for Honors WBL?
Speak with your coordinator directly if you are interested in the Honors Program. You can view detailed information here. You must have previously had honors coursework to be considered.
What schedule works best with WBL?
WBL works with all schedules; traditional, virtual, dual enrollment, athletic, IB, STEM, etc.
If we transition to virtual school at any point, can I continue to work?
If you have a part-time job, that will be up to you, your parents/guardians and employers. WBL will not mandate that students do or do not continue to work paid positions if school goes virtual. If you do continue to work, your assignments will continue as normal including pay stubs and employer evaluations. If you do not continue to work, you will do the provided hours replacement assignments via Canvas in addition to normal monthly assignments.
What happens if I'm an unpaid intern and school goes virtual?
The HCSD will determine if unpaid interns will continue to go to their internships. If you are not able to continue, alternate assignments will be given via Canvas to replace your hours. These will replace hours only and will be in addition to the normal monthly assignments.

What if I have to get paid?
The student should work to secure paid jobs on his/her own. The coordinator may help provide leads but we do not guarantee paid positions.